First-generation college students at Penn State Abington can participate in "I'm First," a support program that includes matching them with faculty or staff mentors who shared the same experiences as undergraduates.
The three Penn State Abington students surveyed nearly 600 people and found that men and women both said planning for Thanksgiving was a source of family tension.
Penn State Abington students, with support from career and professional development staff, met with recruiters from more 80 companies and organizations.
Christina Riehman-Murphy, the Sally W. Kalin Librarian for Learning Innovations and the open and affordable educational resources librarian at Penn State University Libraries, has been named visiting program officer for open educational leadership at the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC), a newly created role in which she will serve part time for the next year. Riehman-Murphy is based at Penn State Abington.
Penn State Abington instructor Julia Clift's vision features sound and visual artists, scientists, and an ensemble who shed light on the policies, conventions, and attitudes that led to and sustain the climate crisis.
Penn State Abington and Moravian University have announced the creation of a pathway that will allow Abington students earning a bachelor of science degree in rehabilitation and human services and/or psychological and social sciences to obtain pre-admission to the Moravian master of arts in clinical counseling or school counseling programs.
Penn State Abington supports the next generation of STEM majors through Engineering Ahead, an academic enhancement program for incoming first-year students. It is designed to help them succeed in crucial coursework during their first year of college and beyond. The five-week hybrid program features math instruction, seminars and networking with industry professionals.
Andrew August, vice chancellor for academic affairs and professor of history at Penn State Abington, will serve as the campus' interim chancellor during the search for a successor to Margo DelliCarpini, who has been appointed Penn State's vice president for Commonwealth Campuses and executive chancellor.
Penn State Abington students enrolled in a collaborative course at a Bucks County working history museum spent the spring semester immersed with working artisans and developing skills that have led to internships and jobs. Their work also resulted in a new exhibition in the Penn State Abington art gallery.