Campus Life

Abington THON FTK total

We Are: Thankful for Abington THON

Abington THONers staged its annual Stand Up FTK (For the Kids), a spirit-raising and donation-boosting event to keep the momentum strong in between canning weekends.
Abington women's basketball official team photo

We Are: Thankful for Abington women's basketball

The Abington women's basketball players are a team in every sense of the word: They won their first two games and then turned out to cheer one of their captains as she was inducted into an international honor society. The Abington basketball team turned out in force to support senior Jessica Schmidt during her induction into Kappa Delta Phi, an honor society for education majors.
Students study biology with iPad minis.

Multiple campuses represented at national discussion of global sustainability

Jacqueline McLaughlin, associate professor of biology at Penn State Lehigh Valley, founding director of Penn State CHANCE, and chair of the National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) Global Perspectives Committee (GPC), has orchestrated along with Missy Coyle, research technologist at Penn State Lehigh Valley, and other GPC committee members, an interactive poster and panel discussion event entitled, “Promoting Global Sustainability in the Teaching and Learning of Biology.”