
Zelnnetta Clark

Abington ACURA

Penn State Abington students including Zelnnetta Clark (far right) continued their research on food waste with a 2019 ACURA undergraduate research project. It won first place in the Division of Social Sciences.

Adriana Vagelli Hemingway

Adriana Vagelli

Penn State Abington student Adriana Vagelli with the program from the International Hemingway conference in Paris.

Hemingway conference

Adriana Vagelli

Penn State Abington junior Adriana Vagelli presented her research at the International Hemingway conference in Paris.

Seed grants to support opioid research announced

Penn State’s Social Science Research Institute, in collaboration with the Clinical and Translational Science Institute, has awarded over $200,000 in funding to support 10 new interdisciplinary teams of Penn State researchers whose work is aimed at combating the opioid epidemic.